
Convergence, stability analysis, and solvers for approximating sublinear positone and semipositone boundary value problems using finite difference methods. (English) Zbl 1514.65151

Summary: Positone and semipositone boundary value problems are semilinear elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs) that arise in reaction-diffusion models in mathematical biology and the theory of nonlinear heat generation. Under certain conditions, the problems may have multiple positive solutions or even nonexistence of a positive solution. We develop analytic techniques for proving admissibility, stability, and convergence results for simple finite difference approximations of positive solutions to sublinear problems. We also develop guaranteed solvers that can detect nonuniqueness for positone problems and nonexistence for semipositone problems. The admissibility and stability results are based on adapting the method of sub- and supersolutions typically used to analyze the underlying PDEs. The new convergence analysis technique directly shows that all pointwise limits of finite difference approximations are solutions to the boundary value problem eliminating the possibility of false algebraic solutions plaguing the convergence of the methods. Most known approximation methods for positone and semipositone boundary value problems rely upon shooting techniques; hence, they are restricted to one-dimensional problems and/or radial solutions. The results in this paper will serve as a foundation for approximating positone and semipositone boundary value problems in higher dimensions and on more general domains using simple approximation methods. Numerical tests for known applied problems with multiple positive solutions are provided. The tests focus on approximating certain positive solutions as well as generating discrete bifurcation curves that support the known existence and uniqueness results for the PDE problem.


65N06 Finite difference methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs
65N12 Stability and convergence of numerical methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs
65N22 Numerical solution of discretized equations for boundary value problems involving PDEs
35B09 Positive solutions to PDEs
35B32 Bifurcations in context of PDEs
35J61 Semilinear elliptic equations
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