
Wreath Macdonald polynomials at \(q=t\) as characters of rational Cherednik algebras. (English) Zbl 1528.16017

Let \(W=C_l \wr \mathfrak{S}_n\) be a wreath product of a cyclic group \(C_l\) and \(\overline{H}_c(W)\) the restricted rational Cherednik ablgebra at a generic parameter \(c\). Then the group algebra of \(W\) is naturally a subalgebra of \(\overline{H}_c(W)\), so that it is possible to restrict modules over \(\overline{H}_c(W)\) to representations of \(W\).
The irreducible representations \(\lambda\) of \(W\) are in bijection with the isomorphism classes of simple modules \(L(\lambda)\) of \(\overline{H}_c(W)\), and both are indexed by the \((l, n)\)-multipartitions \(\mathcal{P}(l, n)\). The article under review studies the restrictions of the simple modules \(L(\lambda)\) of \(\overline{H}_c(W)\) and their decompositions into irreducible representations of \(W\). More concretely, it establishes an explicit formula for their image \([L(\lambda)]\) in the Grothendieck group of \(\operatorname{mod} W\). This generalizes a result by I. Gordon [Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 35, No. 3, 321–336 (2003; Zbl 1042.16017)], who has established such a formula in the case that \(W\) is a symmetric group. As in the case studied by Gordon, the question reduces to a question about the multiplicative structure on the Grothendieck group of \(\operatorname{mod} W\) which is induced by the tensor product. Hence the authors first collect the relevant results on the character theory of \(C_l \wr \mathfrak{S}_n\). Then they proceed by defining a generalization the \((t,t)\)-Kostka-Macdonald coefficients to a multipartition version \(K_{\mathbf{\lambda\mu}}(t,t)\), \(\mathbf{\lambda}, \mathbf{\mu}\in \mathcal{P}(l, n)\). They prove that with this definition \begin{align*} [L(\lambda)]=\sum_{\mu\in \mathcal{P}(l, n)}K _{\mathbf{\lambda\mu}}(t,t)[\mu], \end{align*} which generalizes the formula by Gordon for the symmetric group case. Finally, using this formula, they prove that the image of \([L(\lambda)]\) under the Frobenius character map is given by a specialization of the wreath Macdonald polynomial.


16G99 Representation theory of associative rings and algebras
05E05 Symmetric functions and generalizations
14C05 Parametrization (Chow and Hilbert schemes)
16S80 Deformations of associative rings
16S38 Rings arising from noncommutative algebraic geometry


Zbl 1042.16017




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