
Feature selection based on the self-calibration of binocular camera extrinsic parameters. (English) Zbl 07776506

Summary: The accuracy of feature-based vision algorithms, including the self-calibration of binocular camera extrinsic parameters used in autonomous driving environment perception techniques relies heavily on the quality of the features extracted from the images. This study investigates the influence of the depth distance between objects and the camera, the feature points in different object regions, and the feature points in dynamic object regions on the self-calibration of binocular camera extrinsic parameters. To achieve this, the study first filters out different types of objects in the image through semantic segmentation. Then, it identifies the areas of dynamic objects and extracts the feature points in the static object region for the self-calibration of binocular camera extrinsic parameters. By calculating the baseline error of the binocular camera and the row alignment error of the matching feature points, this study evaluates the influence of feature points in dynamic object regions, feature points in different object regions, and feature points at different distances on the self-calibration algorithm. The experimental results demonstrate that feature points at static objects close to the camera are beneficial for the self-calibration of extrinsic parameters of binocular camera.


68T45 Machine vision and scene understanding


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