
Improving a cortical pyramidal neuron model’s classification performance on a real-world ECG dataset by extending inputs. (English) Zbl 1533.92112

Summary: Pyramidal neurons display a variety of active conductivities and complex morphologies that support nonlinear dendritic computation. Given growing interest in understanding the ability of pyramidal neurons to classify real-world data, in our study we applied both a detailed pyramidal neuron model and the perceptron learning algorithm to classify real-world ECG data. We used Gray coding to generate spike patterns from ECG signals as well as investigated the classification performance of the pyramidal neuron’s subcellular regions. Compared with the equivalent single-layer perceptron, the pyramidal neuron performed poorly due to a weight constraint. A proposed mirroring approach for inputs, however, significantly boosted the classification performance of the neuron. We thus conclude that pyramidal neurons can classify real-world data and that the mirroring approach affects performance in a way similar to non-constrained learning.


92C55 Biomedical imaging and signal processing
92B20 Neural networks for/in biological studies, artificial life and related topics


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