
Phaseless quantum Monte-Carlo approach to strongly correlated superconductors with stochastic Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov wavefunctions. (English) Zbl 1372.82045

The main purpose is to introduce a quantum Monte Carlo theoretical approach for the computation of an approximate ground state of strongly correlated superconducting fermions. This framework relies on Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov that undergo a Brownian motion in imaginary time. The efficiency of this approach is improved by guiding the dynamics to generate walkers according to the importance of their overlap with a trial wavefunction.


82D55 Statistical mechanics of superconductors
65C05 Monte Carlo methods
82B31 Stochastic methods applied to problems in equilibrium statistical mechanics
82B80 Numerical methods in equilibrium statistical mechanics (MSC2010)
82D50 Statistical mechanics of superfluids
60J65 Brownian motion


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