
\(\varphi\)-primary subtractive ideals in semiring. (English) Zbl 1302.16047

Summary: Let \(R\) be a commutative semiring with identity \(1\neq 0\). In this paper, we define \(\varphi\)-primary ideals in \(R\) and prove that for subtractive ideals \(I\) and \(\varphi(I)\) of \(R\), \(I\) is a \(\varphi\)-primary ideal if and only if for ideals \(A\) and \(B\) of \(R\), \(AB\subseteq I-\varphi(I)\) implies that \(A\subseteq I\) or \(B\subseteq\sqrt I\).


16Y60 Semirings
13A15 Ideals and multiplicative ideal theory in commutative rings
16D25 Ideals in associative algebras
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