
STE-QUEST – test of the universality of free fall using cold atom interferometry. (English) Zbl 1294.83005

Classical Quantum Gravity 31, No. 11, Article ID 115010, 18 p. (2014); corrigendum ibid. 31, No. 15, Article ID 159502, 3 p. (2014).
In 2004, C. Lämmerzahl et al. published a paper with title: [“Experiments in fundamental physics scheduled and in development for the ISS”, Gen. Relativ. Gravitation 36, No. 3, 615–649 (2004; Zbl 1040.83001)]. There they analysed experiments in the area of fundamental physics, which are to be performed in the International Space Station.
Now, 10 years later, a similar set of authors have presented the progress made since then on this set of topics. In the present paper they concentrate on STE-QUEST, the test of the UFF (the universality of free fall), also called weak equivalence principle. Here, STE-QUEST abbreviates for spacetime explorer and quantum equivalence principle space test. The calculations are given which are appropriate to the highly elliptical orbits of the used spacecraft.


83B05 Observational and experimental questions in relativity and gravitational theory
83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein’s, including asymmetric field theories
83C10 Equations of motion in general relativity and gravitational theory
85A05 Galactic and stellar dynamics
81P15 Quantum measurement theory, state operations, state preparations
83C35 Gravitational waves
83C45 Quantization of the gravitational field


Zbl 1040.83001