
Data-driven rebalancing methods for bike-share systems. (English) Zbl 1471.91199

Crisostomi, Emanuele (ed.) et al., Analytics for the sharing economy: mathematics, engineering and business perspectives. Cham: Springer. 255-278 (2020).
Summary: As bike-share systems expand in urban areas, the wealth of publicly available data has drawn researchers to address the novel operational challenges these systems face. One key challenge is to meet user demand for available bikes and docks by rebalancing the system. This chapter reports on a collaborative effort with Citi Bike to develop and implement real data-driven optimization to guide their rebalancing efforts. In particular, we provide new models to guide truck routing for overnight rebalancing and new optimization problems for other non-motorized rebalancing efforts during the day. Finally, we evaluate how our practical methods have impacted rebalancing in New York City.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 1470.91006].


91B32 Resource and cost allocation (including fair division, apportionment, etc.)
90C10 Integer programming
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