
A benchmark study on problems related to CO\(_{2}\) storage in geologic formations. Summary and discussion of the results. (English) Zbl 1190.86011

Summary: This paper summarises the results of a benchmark study that compares a number of mathematical and numerical models applied to specific problems in the context of carbon dioxide (CO\(_{2}\)) storage in geologic formations. The processes modelled comprise advective multi-phase flow, compositional effects due to dissolution of CO\(_{2}\) into the ambient brine and non-isothermal effects due to temperature gradients and the Joule-Thompson effect. The problems deal with leakage through a leaky well, methane recovery enhanced by CO\(_{2}\) injection and a reservoir-scale injection scenario into a heterogeneous formation. We give a description of the benchmark problems then briefly introduce the participating codes and finally present and discuss the results of the benchmark study.


86A60 Geological problems
86-08 Computational methods for problems pertaining to geophysics
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