
Efficient multipartite entanglement concentration protocol for nitrogen-vacancy center and microresonator coupled systems. (English) Zbl 1328.81030

Summary: Here in this study we propose an efficient entanglement concentration protocol (ECP) for separate nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers, resorting to the single-photon input-output process of the NV center and microtoroidal resonator coupled system. In the proposed ECP, one ancillary single-photon is prepared and passed through a hybrid quantum circuit. By measuring the photon under the suitable polarization basis, maximally entangled state between the separate NV centers can be obtained with a certain success probability. The solid entanglement will be preserved during the process, which can be iterated several rounds to obtain an optimal total success probability. We also discuss the experimental feasibility of the protocol by considering current technologies, and we believe that the protocol is useful in the future applications of long-distance quantum communication and distributed quantum computation.


81P40 Quantum coherence, entanglement, quantum correlations
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