
Random graph embeddings with general edge potentials. arXiv:2205.09049

Preprint, arXiv:2205.09049 [cond-mat.stat-mech] (2022).
Summary: In this paper, we study random embeddings of polymer networks distributed according to any potential energy which can be expressed in terms of distances between pairs of monomers. This includes freely jointed chains, steric effects, Lennard-Jones potentials, bending energies, and other physically realistic models. A configuration of \(n\) monomers in \(\mathbb{R}^d\) can be written as a collection of \(d\) coordinate vectors, each in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). Our first main result is that entries from different coordinate vectors are uncorrelated, even when they are different coordinates of the same monomer. We predict that this property holds in realistic simulations and in actual polymer configurations (in the absence of an external field). Our second main contribution is a theorem explaining when and how a probability distribution on embeddings of a complicated graph may be pushed forward to a distribution on embeddings of a simpler graph to aid in computations. This construction is based on the idea of chain maps in homology theory. We use it to give a new formula for edge covariances in phantom network theory and to compute some expectations for a freely-jointed network.


82D60 Statistical mechanics of polymers
60G50 Sums of independent random variables; random walks
60D05 Geometric probability and stochastic geometry
28A50 Integration and disintegration of measures
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