
Weakly increasing zero-diminishing sequences. (English) Zbl 0941.30019

The following problem, suggested by Laguerre’s Theorem (1884), remains open: Characterize all real sequences \(\{\mu_k\}_{k=0}^\infty\) which have the zero-diminishing property; that is, if \(p(x)=\sum_{k=0}^n a_k x^k\) is any real polynomial, then \(\sum_{k=0}^n \mu_k a_k x^k\) has no more real zeros than \(p(x)\).
In this paper this problem is solved under the additional assumption of a weak growth condition on the sequence \(\{\mu_k\}_{k=0}^\infty\), namely \( \varliminf_{n\to\infty}|\mu_n|^{1/n}< \infty\). More precisely, it is established that the real sequence \(\{\mu_k\}_{k\geq 0}\) is a weakly increasing zero-diminishing sequence if and only if there exists \( \sigma\in\{+1,-1\}\) and an entire function \[ \Phi(z)=be^{az}\prod\limits_{n\geq 1} \left (1+{x\over{ \alpha_n}}\right), a,b\in R^1, b\neq 0, \alpha_n>0, \;\forall n\geq 1, \sum\limits_{n\geq 1} {1\over{\alpha_n}}<\infty, \] such that \(\mu_k={\sigma^k}/\Phi(k), \forall k\geq 0\).


30D15 Special classes of entire functions of one complex variable and growth estimates
30D10 Representations of entire functions of one complex variable by series and integrals
26C10 Real polynomials: location of zeros
65D05 Numerical interpolation