
Multitrait-multimethod change modelling. (English) Zbl 1443.62411

Summary: The first author [Multitrait-multimethod-multioccasion modeling. München: AVM – Akademische Verlagsgemeinschaft München (2009)] recently presented the Correlated State-Correlated (Methods-Minus-1) [CS-C(M\(-1\))] model for analysing longitudinal multitrait-multimethod (MTMM) data. In the present article, the authors discuss the extension of the CS-C(M\(-1\)) model to a model that includes latent difference variables, called CS-C(M\(-1\)) change model. The CS-C(M\(-1\)) change model allows investigators to study inter-individual differences in intra-individual change over time, to separate true change from random measurement error, and to analyse change simultaneously for different methods. Change in a reference method can be contrasted with change in other methods to analyse convergent validity of change.


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