
Dirac neutralinos and electroweak scalar bosons of \(N = 1/N = 2\) hybrid supersymmetry at colliders. (English) Zbl 1291.81434

Summary: In the \(N = 1\) supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model, neutralinos associated in supermultiplets with the neutral electroweak gauge and Higgs bosons are, as well as gluinos, Majorana fermions. They can be paired with the Majorana fermions of novel gaugino/scalar supermultiplets, as suggested by extended \(N = 2\) supersymmetry, to Dirac particles. Matter fields are not extended beyond the standard \(N = 1\) supermultiplets in \(N = 1/N = 2\) hybrid supersymmetry to preserve the chiral character of the theory. Complementing earlier analyses in the color sector, central elements of such an electroweak scenario are analyzed in the present study. The decay properties of the Dirac fermions \(\tilde{\chi}_{D}\) and of the scalar bosons \(\sigma\) are worked out, and the single and pair production-channels of the new particles are described for proton collisions at the LHC, and electron/positron and \(\gamma \gamma\) collisions at linear colliders. Special attention is paid to modifications of the Higgs sector, identified with an \(N = 2\) hypermultiplet, by the mixing with the novel electroweak scalar sector.


81V22 Unified quantum theories
81T60 Supersymmetric field theories in quantum mechanics
81U35 Inelastic and multichannel quantum scattering
81U99 Quantum scattering theory


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