
Relativity, supersymmetry and cosmology. Proceedings of the 5th Simposio Latino Americano de relatividad y gravitacion - SILARG V (held at Bariloche, Argentina, January 4-11, 1985). (English) Zbl 0641.53076

Singapore: World Scientific. IX, 348 p (1985).
The articles of this volume will not be indexed individually.
Contents: B. F. Schutz, Motion and radiation in general relativity (p. 3); J. Ellis, Supersymmetry and cosmology (p. 81); L. F. Abbott, Scalar fields and the cosmological constants (p. 130); J. Audretsch, Quantum field theory of mutually interacting particles in expanding universes (p. 152); E. Gunzig, Self-consistent cosmogenesis (p. 181); C. G. Bollini and J. J. Giambiagi, Supersymmetric Klein-Gordon equation in D-dimensions (p. 215); G. Bender and L. P. Chimento, Scalar particle production in anisotropic metrics (p. 225); O. J. Bressan, Unified classical physics on a metric space with torsion (p. 232); R. Ferraro and M. Castagnino, Toy cosmology: a laboratory to study cosmological puzzles (p. 238); J. Paz, D. Harari and M. Castagnino, De Sitter self consistent cosmology with adiabatic regularization (p. 243); R. Aquilano and M. Castagnino, Classical and relativistic models of a X-ray bursters (p. 248); F. E. Figueirido and M. Castagnino, The renormalization group and the singularity (p. 253); M. C. Diaz and R. J. Gleiser, The geometric structure of a class of 2N-solitons solutions of Einstein’s equations (p. 259); S. Hacyan, The zero-point field in non-inertial frames (p. 267); D. Garciá Lambas, W. Lambert and V. H. Hamity, Spherically symmetric perfect fluid solutions (p. 271); D. Harari, C. Núñez and M. Castagnino, The local term of the energy momentum tensor for a quantum scalar field in a curved background (p. 279); M. Levians and M. Castagnino, On torsion detection using post-Newtonian approximation (p. 286); E. Nowotny, The quantization of matter and gravitational fields - the cosmological aspect (p. 292); M. P. Ryan jun., On the meaning of quantum cosmology (p. 296); P. P. Srivastava, Susy effective potential using superfields (p. 308); J. C. D’Olivo, L. F. Urrutia and F. Zertuche, Some remarks on the structure of \(N=1\) supersymmetric quantum mechanics (p. 318); J. Zanelli, Canonical quantum gravity (p. 324); L. A. R. Oliveira, Weyl (integrable) spacetimes as a model for our cosmos (p. 340).


53C80 Applications of global differential geometry to the sciences
53-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to differential geometry
81-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to quantum theory
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
83-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to relativity and gravitational theory