
A report on an ergodic dichotomy. (English) Zbl 07779085

Author’s abstract: We establish (some directions of) a Ledrappier correspondence between Hölder cocycles, Patterson-Sullivan measures, etc for word-hyperbolic groups with metric-Anosov Mineyev flow. We then study Patterson-Sullivan measures for \(\vartheta\)-Anosov representations over a local field and show that these are parameterized by the \(\vartheta\)-critical hypersurface of the representation. We use these Patterson-Sullivan measures to establish a dichotomy concerning directions in the interior of the \(\vartheta\)-limit cone of the representation in question: if u is such a half-line, then the subset of u-conical limit points has either total mass if \(|\vartheta| \leq 2\) or zero mass if \(|\vartheta| \geq 4\). The case \(|\vartheta| = 3\) remains unsettled.


22E40 Discrete subgroups of Lie groups
37Dxx Dynamical systems with hyperbolic behavior


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