
NNLO subtraction for any massless final state: a complete analytic expression. (English) Zbl 07744285

J. High Energy Phys. 2023, No. 7, Paper No. 140, 97 p. (2023); erratum ibid. 2024, No. 5, Paper No. 19, 2 p. (2024).
Summary: We use the Local Analytic Sector Subtraction scheme to construct a completely analytic set of expressions implementing a fully local infrared subtraction at NNLO for generic coloured massless final states. The cancellation of all explicit infrared poles appearing in the double-virtual contribution, in the real-virtual correction and in the integrated local infrared counterterms is explicitly verified, and all finite contributions arising from integrated local counterterms are analytically evaluated in terms of ordinary polylogarithms up to weight three. The resulting subtraction formula can readily be implemented in any numerical framework containing the relevant matrix elements up to NNLO.


81-XX Quantum theory


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