
Appraisal of several methods to model time to multiple events per subject: modelling time to hospitalizations and death. (English) Zbl 07578231

Summary: During the disease-recovery process of many diseases, such as in Heart Failure (HF), often more than one type of event plays a role. Some clinical trials use the combined endpoint of death and a secondary event; for instance, HF-related hospitalizations. This is often analyzed with time-to-first-event survival analysis which ignores possible subsequent events, such as several HF-related hospitalizations. Accounting for multiple events provides more detailed information on the disease-control process, and allows a more precise understanding of the prognosis of patients.
In this paper we explore and illustrate several modelling strategies to study time to repeated events of disease-related hospitalizations and death per subject. Marginal models are revised in order to account for intra-subject correlation and competing risks. Finally, we recommend a Multi-state model which allows a flexible modelling strategy that incorporates important features in the analysis of HF-related hospitalizations and death, and at the same time extends relevant characteristics of the P. K. Andersen and R. D. Gill [Ann. Stat. 10, 1100–1120 (1982; Zbl 0526.62026)], L. J. Wei et al. [“Regression analysis of multivariate incomplete failure time data by modeling marginal distributions”, J. Am. Stat. Assoc. 84, No. 408, 1065–1073 (1989; doi:10.1080/01621459.1989)] and R. L. Prentice et al. [Biometrika 68, 373–379 (1981; Zbl 0465.62100)] models.


62-XX Statistics


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