
Exploration of \(k\)-edge-deficient temporal graphs. (English) Zbl 07578092

Summary: A temporal graph with lifetime \(L\) is a sequence of \(L\) graphs \(G_1, \ldots ,G_L\), called layers, all of which have the same vertex set \(V\) but can have different edge sets. The underlying graph is the graph with vertex set \(V\) that contains all the edges that appear in at least one layer. The temporal graph is always connected if each layer is a connected graph, and it is \(k\)-edge-deficient if each layer contains all except at most \(k\) edges of the underlying graph. For a given start vertex \(s\), a temporal exploration is a temporal walk that starts at \(s\), traverses at most one edge in each layer, and visits all vertices of the temporal graph. We show that always-connected, \(k\)-edge-deficient temporal graphs with sufficient lifetime can always be explored in \(O(kn \log n)\) time steps. We also construct always-connected, \(k\)-edge-deficient temporal graphs for which any exploration requires \(\varOmega (n \log k)\) time steps. For always-connected, 1-edge-deficient temporal graphs, we show that \(O(n)\) time steps suffice for temporal exploration.


68Qxx Theory of computing


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