
Enumerating answers to first-order queries over databases of low degree. (English) Zbl 07566063

Summary: A class of relational databases has low degree if for all \(\delta>0\), all but finitely many databases in the class have degree at most \(n^\delta\), where \(n\) is the size of the database. Typical examples are databases of bounded degree or of degree bounded by \(\log n\).
It is known that over a class of databases having low degree, first-order Boolean queries can be checked in pseudo-linear time, i.e. for all \(\epsilon>0\) in time bounded by \(n^{1+\epsilon}\). We generalize this result by considering query evaluation.
We show that counting the number of answers to a query can be done in pseudo-linear time and that after a pseudo-linear time preprocessing we can test in constant time whether a given tuple is a solution to a query or enumerate the answers to a query with constant delay.


68P15 Database theory
03B70 Logic in computer science


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