
Model selection and sharp asymptotic minimaxity. (English) Zbl 06176805

Summary: We obtain sharp minimax results for estimation of an \(n\)-dimensional normal mean under quadratic loss. The estimators are chosen by penalized least squares with a penalty that grows like \(ck\log(n/k)\), for \(k\) equal to the number of nonzero elements in the estimating vector. For a wide range of sparse parameter spaces, we show that the penalized estimator achieves the exact minimax rate with the correct multiplication constant if and only if \(c\) equals 2. Our results unify the theory obtained by many other authors for penalized estimation of normal means. In particular we establish that a conjecture by Abramovich et al. (Ann Stat 34:584-653, 2006) is true.


62Gxx Nonparametric inference
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