- IPA: /stɻaɪk/
to strike (strikes, struck, stricken, striking)
- To delete
- To hit
- To stop working to achieve better working conditions
- (Obsolescent) To surrender (strike one's colors)
- Dutch: doorhalen (1), slaan (2), toeslaan (2)
- Esperanto: forigi (1), frapi (2), bati (2), striki (3)
- Finnish: iskeä (2), lyödä (2), lakkoilla (3)
- French: rayer (1), barrer (1), frapper (2), battre (2), faire la grève, se mettre en grève (3)
- Indonesian: menabrak, menubruk, menyerang
- Japanese: 攻撃する (こうげきする, kōgeki-suru)
strike (strikes)
- baseball: a status resulting from a batter swinging and missing an accurate pitch, or having a pitch pass over home plate at a height between a batter's shoulders and knees, or hitting a ball into foul territory without being caught
- bowling: the act of knocking down all ten pins in on the first roll of a frame
- a work stoppage
- a blow or application of physical force against something