
Sustainability for the Web and W3C
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Event details

Pacific Daylight Time
Port Hardy — North Tower 4th floor
Nick Doty
Providence Baraka, Judy Brewer, Tantek Çelik, James Graham, Annette Greiner, Ivan Herman, Gregg Kellogg, Daniel Libby, Michael McCool, Coralie Mercier, James Nurthen, Gerald Oskoboiny, Michael Prorock, Cynthia Shelly, Yoav Weiss, Chris Wilson, Brent Zundel
Big meeting:
TPAC 2022 (Calendar)

The climate crisis requires urgent action to reduce energy usage and carbon emissions and there is varied interest in systematic work to make the Internet and the Web more sustainable.


Facilitators & speakers: Nick Doty, Tantek Çelik

Session type: open discussion

Summary: The climate crisis requires urgent action to reduce energy usage and carbon emissions and there is varied interest in systematic work to make the Internet and the Web more sustainable.


  • identifying areas of potential work and making connections for active ongoing work
  • considering metrics for energy/carbon emissions of Web usage
  • measuring emissions from W3C meetings (and how to reduce them)
  • working mode for sustainable website development (sustyweb) and horizontal reviews of web features for sustainability (sustainabilitycg)

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