7 Soothing Rib Stretches To Release Back Pain & Improve Posture
Don't forget to stretch it out! Move your body! Trust me you may not feel like you can do it, but you can. And your body will thank you! Get moving. #depression #yoga #fightmentalhealthstigma #mindset #truthwtihoutlimits
The perfect yoga series for work-related stress relief
Destress with these 10 Yoga poses. When incorporated into a daily routine, this type of slow, steady yoga has been shown to reduce stress hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. #Yoga #Destress
These books would make for great yoga readings for Savasana. I don't recommend reading at the beginning of a Savasana. This will only create active minds during this restful time. Instead...
Seven Bedtime Yoga Routines To Sleep Better - Beauty Bites
If you can't fall asleep, or want to sleep better at night - try bedtime yoga! Discover 7 yoga sequences and yoga poses will help you relax after a long day, so you can sleep so much better!