Privacy Policy


In the interests of transparency and to abide by new guidelines from the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this privacy statement describes how we, the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), collect data (including personal information), why we collect it, how we store it, and how we use it.This Privacy Statement was published and last updated on May 25th, 2018.

Who we are

OASPA, a not-for-profit trade association of open access around the world, is a Stichting registered in The Hague, Netherlands. Our registered address is Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association, Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5, 2595BE The Hague, Netherlands.This website,, is owned and run by OASPA.

What information we collect about you

Subscription to our email mailing list

When you interact with OASPA as a user of this website to sign up for our email mailing list, we collect information about you such as your name, organisation, your title, and contact details.

Membership Applications

If you apply to become a member of OASPA via our website, or are already a member, we hold other relevant information about you, such as details of your organisation’s publishing activities and details relating to annual membership dues.If you register for our annual conference, we will collect information in order to process ticket sales and to provide you with key information about the event. If you follow our social networking accounts on Twitter or Linkedin, these third parties may collect your data in order that we can communicate with you via these platforms.


When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.An anonymised string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.


If you leave a comment on our site you may opt-in to saving your name, email address and website in cookies. These are for your convenience so that you do not have to fill in your details again when you leave another comment. These cookies will last for one year.


OASPA uses the MonsterInsights EU Compliance plugin on our WordPress-run website, which anonymises IP addresses and disables UserID tracking on all Google Analytics hits, eCommerce hits, and form tracking hits. We also use this plugin to ask for your explicit consent to track analytics.

How we collect information

OASPA collects the information described above through this website such as via sign-up forms and by recording data via the use of cookies; through membership applications; through emails, surveys, telephone communications, and in-person meetings; and through third party social networking websites Twitter and Linkedin. Copyright Clearance Center host our webinar platform and collect information at the time registration. We work with either Copernicus Publications or Eventbrite to process our conference ticket sales and they will collect necessary information at the point of sale to process the financial transaction (financial details and credit card information is not passed to OASPA).

How we use the information we collect

We only send essential communications to our members or people who have opted in to receive communications from us about organisational news or our conference via our sign-up forms.Information about members and applications for membership is stored by us in our secure, encrypted storage that is accessible by OASPA staff only, for the purpose of us being able to communicate with our membership and applicants, understand the nature of the organisations we represent, and send relevant invoices for membership dues to the correct person within a member organisation.Information collected from members in surveys and questionnaires may be used in reports we write for internal or external use; in these cases, members will be made aware of how their data will be used before they decide to participate.When people register for our annual conference, we and Copernicus Publications make use of personal information collected for the purposes of ensuring tickets are paid for and to communicate to delegates about the conference. We do not pass on or sell this data to other organisations.When webinars are signed up to, we and the Copyright Clearance Center make use of personal information collected for the purposes of joining that particular webinar. We do not contact webinar registrants directly, use the lists for marketing purposes, and we do not pass on or sell this data to other organisations.When people have followed or interacted with the third party social networking websites we use – Twitter and Linkedin – they are free to unfollow or cease interaction with these sites at any time. Data stored is held by these third party websites and not OASPA.OASPA sometimes needs to work with trusted consultants to assist with or support our activities. While these individuals have access to membership information through our website and/or digital storage files, they have signed non-disclosure agreements that prohibit them from sharing the information they are working with.

How long we store information

In the case of communications about OASPA news and events, we retain personal information in our records until you notify us that you do not wish to be contacted by us. Through Mailchimp, you are free to unsubscribe from our updates at any time.Information about members or those we work with in a professional capacity at OASPA – such as a Board or Committee member – is held in our encrypted storage files for as long as the relevant member or person remains a member or professional affiliate of OASPA.

The legal basis for holding your information

We collect the information described above on the basis of:
  • Your consent for us to use the information we have collected about you, as per Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR
  • Our establishment of ‘legitimate interest’ to engage with you and enable you to participate in our activities, as per Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR
In accordance with the new GDPR guidelines, you have the right to access personal information we hold about you. If you wish to exercise this right of access, please contact us at

Changes to OASPA’s Privacy Statement

We reserve the right to revise our privacy policy at any time in accordance with changing guidance on the collection of data and privacy. Should we change this statement, we will update this page accordingly.If you wish to contact us about this Privacy Statement, please write to at any time.