Award Abstract # 0926159
Collaborative Research: AIS: Incremental Learning from Unbalanced Data in Nonstationary Environments

Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys
Initial Amendment Date: August 20, 2009
Latest Amendment Date: August 20, 2009
Award Number: 0926159
Award Instrument: Standard Grant
Program Manager: Paul Werbos
�Div Of Electrical, Commun & Cyber Sys
�Directorate For Engineering
Start Date: September 1, 2009
End Date: August 31, 2013�(Estimated)
Total Intended Award Amount: $164,923.00
Total Awarded Amount to Date: $164,923.00
Funds Obligated to Date: FY 2009 = $164,923.00
ARRA Amount: $164,923.00
History of Investigator:
  • Robi Polikar (Principal Investigator)
Recipient Sponsored Research Office: Rowan University
NJ �US �08028-1700
Sponsor Congressional District: 01
Primary Place of Performance: Rowan University
NJ �US �08028-1700
Primary Place of Performance
Congressional District:
Unique Entity Identifier (UEI): DMDEQP66JL85
Parent UEI:
NSF Program(s): EPCN-Energy-Power-Ctrl-Netwrks
Primary Program Source: 01R00910DB�RRA RECOVERY ACT
Program Reference Code(s): 0000, 096E, 6890, OTHR
Program Element Code(s): 760700
Award Agency Code: 4900
Fund Agency Code: 4900
Assistance Listing Number(s): 47.082


"This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5)"

The ultimate goal of computational intelligence has long been emulating brain-like-intelligence by discovering and learning patterns from data. However, in related research, the data have been assumed to be generated by an underlying fixed physical process. Recently, new algorithms have emerged that can accommodate new data, or data with unbalanced distributions. However, learning from a non-stationary environment, where the underlying process that generates the data changes over time, has received less attention, whereas the problem of learning in a non-stationary environment that incrementally provides unbalanced data has received hardly any attention. Since the brain can and routinely does learn in such settings, the need for a general framework for learning from ? and adapting to ? a nonstationary environment that introduces unbalanced data can be hardly overstated. Spam detection, epidemiological studies, or analysis of climate change, are just a few examples of such scenarios.

Given such a scenario of unbalanced data, the goal of this project is to develop a general framework that would recognize if and when there has been a change, learn novel content, reinforce existing knowledge that is still relevant, and forget what may no longer be relevant. Our hypothesis is that learning from unbalanced and nonstationary data can be achieved by strategic use of i.) data regeneration through local extrapolation ? to help balance the unbalanced dataset ? combined with ii.) an incrementally generated ensemble of experts model that use dynamically assigned weights to emulate short and long term memory properties of the brain ? to help track the changing environments.


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Polikar R., DePasquale J., Syed Mohammed H., Brown G., Kuncheva L.I. "Learn++.MF: A Random Subspace Approach for the Missing Feature Problem" Pattern Recognition , v.43 , 2010 , p.3817 doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2010.05.028
Elwell, Ryan; Polikar, Robi "Incremental Learning of Concept Drift in Nonstationary Environments" IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks , v.22 , 2011 10.1109/TNN.2011.2160459
T.R. Hoens, R. Polikar, N. Chawla "Learning from streaming data with concept drift and imbalance: an overview" Progress in Artificial Intelligence , v.1 , 2012 , p.89 10.1007/s13748-011-0008-0
Ditzler G. and Polikar R. "Incremental Learning of Concept Drift from Streaming Imbalanced Data" IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering , v.25 , 2013 , p.2283 10.1109/TKDE.2012.136
Hoens, T.R., Polikar R., Chawla N. "Learning from streaming data with concept drift and imbalance: an overview" Progress in Artificial Intelligence , v.1 , 2012 , p.89 10.1007/s13748-011-0008-0

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