01st Apr2021

‘The Last House’ DVD Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Camille Keaton, Karen Konzen, Scott Peeler, Eric Dooley, Christopher James Forrest, Victor Jones, Kurt McCall, Mark Poppleton, Mark Wright | Written and Directed by Samuel Farmer Back in 1978 Camille Keaton took her revenge on a group of men who abducted and raped her, now in 2020 she’s out for revenge again – this […]

08th Apr2020

‘Cry For the Bad Man’ Review

by Phil Wheat

Stars: Camille Keaton, Karen Konzen, Scott Peeler, Eric Dooley, Christopher James Forrest, Victor Jones, Kurt McCall, Mark Poppleton, Mark Wright | Written and Directed by Samuel Farmer Back in 1978 Camille Keaton took her revenge on a group of men who abducted and raped her, now in 2020 she’s out for revenge again – this […]
