15th Apr2016

‘The Blacklist: Elizabeth Keen’s Dossier’ Review

by Phil Wheat


For those that have not seen the show (Why not? It’s fantastic!), The Blacklist – which stars James Spader and Megan Boone – follows FBI profiler Elizabeth Keen (Boone) whose life is overturned when Raymond ‘Red’ Reddington (Spader), one of the FBI’s top ten most wanted criminals, turns himself in and demands to speak solely to her… Filled with glorious plot twists, character turns and an ever-increasing conspiracy, the show is (at least in our house) must-watch TV.

The Blacklist: Elizabeth Keen’s Dossier is a lavish visual celebration of the hugely popular and critically acclaimed show. If you’ve ever picked up one of those “vault”style books, filled with not only interesting facts and info but also cool pull-outs, replica props etc., then you’ll know what to expect from The Blacklist: Elizabeth Keen’s Dossier. Though this book goes a step further and emulates an actual FBI dossier; complete with a breakdown of the titular blacklist featuring the villains featured in the first two seasons of the show – the book even features more information on the criminals in its blacklist than was ever in the show!

Beautifully packaged in an elegant leather-esque cover (embossed with Elizabeth Keen’s initials), the book expands on the world of The Blacklist and gives an in-universe look at the life of Elizabeth Keen and the events of the first two seasons and beyond. Containing never-before-seen images and documentation based on real-life props from the show it pieces together the puzzle that is Reddington’s Blacklist. Think of this book as an extension of the TV series, allowing the reader to see what the characters within the show see.

There’s no doubt as to why The Blacklist: Elizabeth Keen’s Dossier is such as well-thought out and well put-together book, it comes from two of the biggest names in TV tie-ins. Paul Terry co-authored the LOST Encyclopedia and Fringe: September’s Notebook amongst others, he was the editor of Bad Robot/ABC’s official magazines for LOST and Alias. Whilst co-writer Tara Bennett is the author, or co-author, of several movie and TV companion books including Sleepy Hollow: Creating Heroes, Demons and Monsters, The Art of 300 and The Art of Terminator Salvation; along with numerous features in just about every TV-show tie in magazine of the past decade.

It’s safe to say fans of the show will find plenty to enjoy here. Between the ephemera within its pages and the attention to detail given to the design, The Blacklist: Elizabeth Keen’s Dossier is a worthy addition to the TV shows canon (for this book IS canonical) and as such is an essential purchase for die-hard viewers.

The Blacklist: Elizabeth Keen’s Dossier is out now from Titan Books.


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