From the course: Lifelong Learning as a Tool for Building Your Career

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Pursuing opportunities to develop

Pursuing opportunities to develop

- [Interviewer] Well, I know that you mentioned that you continuously take part in leadership academies. So with you taking part in those leadership academies, is that something that clearly you must search for it on a regular, or are you leading any of those academies or do you just like to actively participate? How frequently? - [Interviewee] So I actively participate in leadership academies. I also do a lot of panel discussions. - [Interviewer] Mm-hmm. - [Interviewee] As a minority, as a female especially, in the world of tech, we are few far and in between, - [Interviewer] Mm-hmm. - [Interviewee] And so I feel sort of, it is my life's work to really allow other minorities, black or brown, right? - [Interviewer] Mm-hmm. - [Interviewee] To be able to see themselves in these roles. And then, you know, I do a lot of work alongside, really talking to women specifically and helping them understand that while we want…
