From the course: JavaScript Essential Training
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Practice: Build a new object with a constructor - JavaScript Tutorial
From the course: JavaScript Essential Training
Practice: Build a new object with a constructor
- Classes feature heavily in modern JavaScript frameworks and getting comfortable with writing and using them will be a huge asset to you as you started working with advanced JavaScript sites and applications. To help you solidify your understanding of classes right away here's a practice assignment for you. In the practice files you'll find the backpack class we've been working with so far. Using this class as a reference, I want you to create new classes based on one or more of the objects you created in the previous practice sessions. I recommend creating separate files for each class and importing them as modules so you have a clear separation of concerns. The easiest approach to building a new class is to start with a fully built out object and then migrate the properties and methods over one by one. Then once the class is complete, you can test it by recreating the original object using that class. Build several…
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Objects: A practical introduction4m 53s
JavaScript objects: The code version2m 57s
Object containers2m 22s
Object properties55s
Accessing objects2m 32s
Accessing object properties5m 35s
Practice: Build a new object1m 18s
Object methods6m 29s
Practice: Build a new method56s
Classes: Object blueprints6m 35s
Object constructors2m 21s
Practice: Build a new object with a constructor1m 13s
Global objects7m 47s
Challenge intro: Create a new object type2m 5s
Solution: Create a new object type3m 16s