From the course: JavaScript Essential Training
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Modifying element classes - JavaScript Tutorial
From the course: JavaScript Essential Training
Modifying element classes
- [Instructor] A common task in JavaScript is to modify the classes of an element in some way. This is a simple way of changing the appearance or behavior of an element without having to inject CSS into the HTML itself. Instead, we just add a class or remove a class to make something happen. Examples of this include hiding and showing a panel, or highlighting a button when something else has happened, like now that you've done step one, click here to continue, et cetera. Class manipulation is common enough, that we have two specialized properties for it. The first one and the oldest one is class name, and it's available for all elements in the dom. Class name holds a string, listing out all the classes appended to an element. We can see it if we go to our exercise files and the console. So the H1 here has the class backpack name, and we can call up the H1 in JavaScript and get just that output. So document, query…
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DOM: The Document Object Model4m 7s
Access elements with querySelector methods6m 6s
Access elements using older methods3m 45s
Practice: Find an element1m 29s
Modifying element classes4m 53s
Attributes4m 13s
Inline style3m 52s
Practice: Modify classes and attributes, and styles1m 36s
Add DOM elements5m 25s
Challenge intro: Create elements1m 17s
Solution: Create elements3m 35s