From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

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Create empty folders

Create empty folders - GitHub Tutorial

From the course: GitHub Quick Tips

Create empty folders

- [Ray] GitHub is really efficient about storing files and you may have seen that if you try to commit a empty folder, it won't show it on the list. And that's because GitHub is designed not to let you store any empty folders to save on file size. But you can force it to create a folder for you. So I'm going to hit create a new file right here and I'm going to type in the name of a folder that I want to appear. So I can just type in images and if you want to create a folder instead of a file, you want to hit the slash like this. Now if I scroll down you'll notice that I can't commit anything. So I can't just commit an empty folder. That means that I do have to create a file in there. A good option is to use a .gitignore file in here. And type in whatever you want. If we just type in a comment then it will let me commit this and now I have a folder that will be tracked, it will be in my main folder and I can push…
