From the course: CSS and JavaScript Library Integration

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Tailwind CSS overview

Tailwind CSS overview

- [Instructor] Let's start with an overview of Tailwind CSS. Then go to how to implement it with different JavaScript framework. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework. It makes it easier and faster for users to design and launch their website and applications. You can build a completely custom component without leaving your HTML or writing a single line of custom CSS. You'll use utility classes to change the layout, colors, spacing, font, shadows, and more rather than offering predefined components. Tailwind CSS focuses on providing a comprehensive collection of utility classes. Tailwind CSS includes responsive utility classes that allows you to apply different ties at different break points. You can easily create responsive layout and adjust element styles based on screen sizes. The classes are easy to use and quick to remember, such as Flex, pt-4 for padding top, text-lg for large texts. The documentation…
