From the course: CSS and JavaScript Library Integration

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Implementing a basic UI with Bulma and AngularJS

Implementing a basic UI with Bulma and AngularJS - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: CSS and JavaScript Library Integration

Implementing a basic UI with Bulma and AngularJS

- [Instructor] It's time to use the Bulma CSS classes with your Angular application to build a simple web landing page for a restaurant. One of my favorite experiences with using the Bulma framework is being able to declare a layout for your website right before you start building. Using the hero class, you can add a full width banner to your webpage which will span the height of the page. You can set your hero height using is-small for smaller height, is-medium for a slightly longer height, and is-large for full page height. The is-primary class gives your website the customary green color based on Bulma's default styling. All these things being said, you should have started picturing the layout of the website you'll build and how the CSS classes will be. Awesome, right? The navbar is housed by the hero-head class. The container class is created to house all the nav bar items. Then, navbar-brand aligns the…
