From the course: Code Clinic: JavaScript

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Finishing up the chart

Finishing up the chart

- [Instructor] So here's our application so far. There's a few things that we need to fix. So let's go back into the code here. And I'm gonna start off by adding some data here that we need to push. So we're modifying all these colors, and then I'm going to modify the timestamp section and I'll change the text to data.time_stamp. And we'll do the same thing for the pulsometer. So I think I'm gonna grab one of these over here 'cause they're pretty similar. And then we will target and actually, I guess the CSS should be first. It looks like I grabbed a blue and a green. But it doesn't matter. We'll do progress-pulsometer and this will say pulsometer_readout - 1 again this time is because the data is 0 index so we want to get the index of this data divided by 255 and then multiply it times 100%. And we may want to put some parentheses right here. And then modify the text to be data.pulsometer_readout here. I don't know if to call it pulsometer, pulsometer, and then actually this one also…
