From the course: Building a Resilient Web
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Web Components to the rescue
From the course: Building a Resilient Web
Web Components to the rescue
- [Instructor] The Core web platform is resilient out of the box. Serve up valid semantic HTML, and you have all the resiliency need. But, what if the elements available from the HTML toolkit aren't enough? What if you need some custom element or some custom templates or specific functionality that you just can't get with standard elements? The Web Platform has a solution for you built right in and it is resilient, progressive, and enhancement to both. It's called web components. If you've ever worked with components in React or Vue or another JavaScript front end framework, you're already familiar with components. Web components are the exact same thing, except they don't need a JavaScript framework to run. They are native to the Web platform. From the perspective of resilience, an oversimplified explanation of web components is they are a native platform method for building custom HTML elements that can function and…
Progressive enhancement2m 43s
HTML as the baseline3m 23s
Accessible, by default3m 30s
Progressive CSS4m 24s
Progressive JavaScript2m 51s
Link persistency5m 23s
Service workers add reliability2m 10s
Web Components to the rescue2m 42s