From the course: Building a Resilient Web

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Rethinking the role of JavaScript frameworks

Rethinking the role of JavaScript frameworks

From the course: Building a Resilient Web

Rethinking the role of JavaScript frameworks

- [Narrator] One of the major selling points of JavaScript front-end frameworks like React is Developer experience, aka DX. And for good reason, this framework provide well-built and supported tools, consistent developer environments streamlined collaboration, automation and other features that make working with code, especially in teams a lot easier. But as we talked about in the beginning of the course, developer experience is secondary to end-user experience when it comes to the web platform and JavaScript frameworks can invisibly shift this priority of constituents if we're not careful. As we build a resilient web together, we must make careful decisions around how and when we use JavaScript front-end frameworks so we get the most effective use out of them without the frameworks standing in the way of resilience. Me this boils down to charting out what my website or application needs and what tools the web platform…
