From the course: Building a Resilient Web

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Progressive JavaScript

Progressive JavaScript

- [Instructor] JavaScript developers have been using progressive enhancement approaches as part of their standard toolkit since the very beginning. Because JavaScript is an imperative coding language and we write step-by-step instructions for the browser, it's always been possible to say, hey browser, try to use this feature and if you don't recognize it, here is the custom feature I built to do the exact same thing. That makes more sense if you see it in context. So consider the append method, a newish feature in JavaScript, that appends one or more DOM nodes as new children to a parent node. It makes injecting new HTML elements into an existing document a really straightforward process and is actually part of a set of several different methods that do the same thing in existing elements. The problem is older browsers don't support this method. So if you try to run it in an older browser, the browser won't understand it…
