From the course: Building a Resilient Web

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Progressive enhancement

Progressive enhancement

- Central to the idea of building a resilient web is progressive enhancement, serving a baseline solution to all browsers and then progressively enhancing the experience with whatever advanced feature the user's browser makes available. This is a common approach to design. If you have a smartphone or tablet or laptop it's likely it has built-in speakers and a microphone, so you can hear sounds and record audio. There might also be a headphone jack, so you can plug in a headset with, or without, a microphone to progressively enhance the sound quality. And there's a good chance the device also supports Bluetooth, so you can connect wirelessly. Progressive enhancement allows us to provide a stable experience that is flexible and able to take advantage of whatever materials are available to us. On the web, this means building a robust site or app that works across what we define as the baseline browsers to ensure…
