From the course: Building a Resilient Web

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JavaScript dependency

JavaScript dependency

- [Instructor] The modern web is built on JavaScript. From advanced social media applications to basic websites, much of that interactivity we've gotten used to expecting as we surf the web is created in the browser on the fly, using JavaScript frameworks, libraries, and dependencies. To frame it a different way, the web is more dependent on JavaScript than ever before. This is not great in terms of resiliency. Remember when I talked about declarative versus imperative coding languages and I explained HTML and CSS are declaratives, therefore resilient, while JavaScript is imperative and therefore fragile? Well, this gradual shift towards JavaScript powering everything means a large portion of the web now relies on an imperative coding language to generate declarative code for the browser. Of course, there's good reason for this. We can do things with JavaScript that are simply not possible using HTML and CSS. And the web…
