SeriesWhat If? (1977)
55 Works
Popularity 30,792 (218 Members)
461 Books
16 Reviews
- What If...? [1977] #5 - What If Captain America and Bucky Had Both Survived World War II? by Don Glut
- What If...? [1977] #11 - What If The Original Marvel Bullpen Had Become The Fantastic Four? by Carl Gafford
- What If...? [1977] #14 - What If Sgt. Fury and his Howling Commandos had Fought World War II in Outer Space? by Gary Friedrich
- What If...? [1977] #16 - What If Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu, Had Remained Loyal to Fu Manchu? by Doug Moench
- What If...? [1977] #17 - What If Ghost Rider, Spider-Woman, and Captain Marvel were Villains? by Steven Grant
- What If...? [1977] #19 - What If Spider-Man Had Stopped the Burglar Who Killed His Uncle? by Peter Gillis
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English: What If? (Volume 1)
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