SeriesHillenbrand Books Studies
8 Works
Popularity 39,381 (148 Members)
202 Books
2 Reviews
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Hillenbrand Books Studies) by Michael McGuckian 32 copies | |
The Royal Road to Joy by David Bird 16 copies | |
Sacraments of Initiation: A Theology of Life, Word, and Rite by Liam G. Walsh 30 copies | |
Sacred Music and Liturgical Reform by Anthony Ruff 14 copies, 1 review | |
The Spirit of Celibacy by Johann Adam Mohler 28 copies | |
Theologia Prima: What Is Liturgical Theology? by David W. Fagerberg 60 copies, 1 review | |
Understanding Sacramental Healing (Anointing and Viaticum) by John C. Kasza 22 copies | |
Virgin Martyrs : a hagiographical and mystagogical interpretation by Michael J. K. Fuller 0 copies |
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