Series author: M. John Harrison
6 Works
Popularity 6,076 (1,694 Members)
2,306 Books
56 Reviews
The Pastel City by M. John Harrison 557 copies, 13 reviews | 1 |
A Storm of Wings by M. John Harrison 190 copies, 7 reviews | 2 |
In Viriconium by M. John Harrison 167 copies, 8 reviews | 3 |
Viriconium Nights by M. John Harrison 157 copies, 4 reviews | 4 |
Collections and Selections
Viriconium: "The Pastel City", "A Storm of Wings", "In Viriconium", "Viriconium Nights" by M. John Harrison 1,191 copies, 24 reviews | 1-4 |
Viriconium: "In Viriconium", "Viriconium Nights" by M. John Harrison 39 copies | 3-4 |
Other Names
French: Le Cycle de Viriconium
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