SeriesEllie Foreman

Series author: Libby Fischer Hellmann

9 Works Popularity 27,201 (262 Members) 398 Books 38 Reviews ½ 3.5


The Day Miriam Hirsch Disappeared by Libby Fischer Hellmann 12 copies, 3 reviewsprequel
The Murder of Katie Boyle by Libby Fischer Hellmann 6 copies, 2 reviews0.5
An Eye for Murder by Libby Fischer Hellmann 148 copies, 8 reviews1
A Picture of Guilt by Libby Fischer Hellmann 41 copies, 1 review2
An Image of Death by Libby Fischer Hellmann 92 copies, 8 reviews3
A Shot to Die For by Libby Fischer Hellmann 60 copies, 1 review4
Jump Cut by Libby Fischer Hellmann 25 copies, 13 reviews5
Virtually Undetectable by Libby Fischer Hellmann 6 copies, 2 reviews6

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