SeriesForgotten Realms Campaign Setting
162 Works
Popularity 7,486 (1,354 Members)
10,123 Books
7 Reviews
1st edition module
Bloodstone Pass by Douglas Niles 27 copies | 1st Edition |
The Bloodstone Wars by Doug Niles 25 copies | 1st Edition |
Tantras (AD&D/Forgotten Realms Module FRE2) by Ed Greenwood 32 copies | 9248 |
2nd Edition Core
Monstrous Compendium: Forgotten Realms, volume 2 (MC11) by TSR Inc 43 copies, 1 review | 2nd Edition |
The Player's Guide to the Forgotten Realms Campaign (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, 2nd Edition : Forgotten Realms) by Tsr 55 copies | 2nd Edition |
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting, 2nd Edition by Jeff Grubb 129 copies | 1085 |
2nd Edition Module
3rd Edition Core
Dungeon Master's Screen (Dungeons & Dragons: Forgotten Realms, Campaign Accessory) by Skip Williams 51 copies | 3rd Edition |
3.5 Edition Core
Player's Guide to Faerûn by Richard Baker 203 copies | 3.5 Edition |
3.5 Edition Module
Top Members
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