SeriesBarbie (Random House)
Series author: Cynthia Lawrence
13 Works
Popularity 58,029 (77 Members)
141 Books
1 Review
Here's Barbie by Cynthia Lawrence 12 copies, 1 review | 1 |
Barbies Fashion Success by Bette Lou Maybee 11 copies | 2 |
Barbie's New York summer by Cynthia Lawrence 10 copies | 3 |
Barbie and Ken by Cynthia Lawrence 18 copies | 4 |
Barbie Solves a Mystery by Cynthia Lawrence 24 copies | 5 |
Barbie's Hawaiian holiday by Bette Lou Maybee 10 copies | 6 |
Barbie's Secret by Eleanor K. Woolvin 7 copies | 7 |
Barbie in Television by Marianne Duest 8 copies | 8 |
Barbie, Midge and Ken by Cynthia Lawrence 11 copies | 9 |
Barbie's candy-striped summer by Eleanor K. Woolvin 3 copies | 10 |
Barbie and the Ghost Town Mystery by Eleanor K. Woolvin 5 copies | 11 |
Barbie's Easy-As-Pie Cookbook by Cynthia Lawrence 18 copies | Cookbook |
Collections and Selections
The World Of Barbie by Cynthia Lawrence 4 copies | 1-3 |
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