Series author: Conn Iggulden
8 Works
Popularity 4,100 (2,553 Members)
6,356 Books
112 Reviews
The Gates of Rome by Conn Iggulden 2,002 copies, 49 reviews | 1 |
The Death of Kings by Conn Iggulden 1,425 copies, 21 reviews | 2 |
The Field of Swords by Conn Iggulden 1,279 copies, 18 reviews | 3 |
The Gods of War by Conn Iggulden 1,214 copies, 12 reviews | 4 |
The Blood of Gods by Conn Iggulden 385 copies, 12 reviews | 5 |
Collections and Selections
DescriptionsEdit Descriptions
- A highly fictionalized retelling of the life of Gaius Julius Caesar. (English, Unclassified)
Other Names
Danish: Cæsar — Dutch: Caesar
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