SeriesDMZ [Vertigo Comics]
Series author: Brian Wood
93 Works
Popularity 9,270 (1,063 Members)
4,129 Books
54 Reviews
DMZ The Deluxe Edition Book One by Brian Wood 80 copies | Deluxe 1-12 |
DMZ The Deluxe Edition Book Two by Brian Wood 66 copies | Deluxe 13-28 |
DMZ The Deluxe Edition Book Three by Brian Wood 60 copies | Deluxe 29-44 |
DMZ The Deluxe Edition Book Four by Brian Wood 46 copies | Deluxe 45-59 |
DMZ The Deluxe Edition Book Five by Brian Wood 42 copies | Deluxe 60-72 |
DMZ Compendium One by Brian Wood 11 copies | Compendium 1-36 |
Other Names
English: DMZ — German: DMZ
Top Members
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