SeriesMr. Mulliner

Series author: P. G. Wodehouse

12 Works Popularity 2,724 (3,752 Members) 7,148 Books 122 Reviews 4.1


Meet Mr Mulliner by P. G. Wodehouse 823 copies, 17 reviews1
Mr Mulliner Speaking by P. G. Wodehouse 428 copies, 5 reviews2
Mulliner Nights by P. G. Wodehouse 761 copies, 12 reviews3

Short stories

Blandings Castle by P. G. Wodehouse 1,207 copies, 22 reviewsFive short stories
Eggs, Beans, and Crumpets by P. G. Wodehouse 501 copies, 13 reviewsone short story
Lord Emsworth and Others by P. G. Wodehouse 841 copies, 13 reviewsOne short story
A Few Quick Ones by P. G. Wodehouse 305 copies, 11 reviews2 of 10
Plum Pie by P. G. Wodehouse 393 copies, 10 reviewsOne short story

Collections and Selections

The World of Mr. Mulliner by P. G. Wodehouse 397 copies, 4 reviewsOmnibus of short stories
Fore! The best of Wodehouse on Golf by P. G. Wodehouse 119 copies, 3 reviewsSeveral short stories
The Most Of P.G. Wodehouse by P. G. Wodehouse 1,041 copies, 8 reviewsEight short stories
Wodehouse On Crime by P. G. Wodehouse 329 copies, 4 reviewsSeveral short stories

DescriptionsEdit Descriptions

Mr. Mulliner is a long-winded pub raconteur who tells outrageous stories about his family. These include the three stories about his nephew, Archibald, included in the Archibald and Aurelia series. Mr Mulliner in WikipediaP. G. Wodehouse bibliography in Wikipedia (English, Unclassified)


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