SeriesLieutenant Bak - Chronological

Series author: Lauren Haney

8 Works Popularity 22,103 (353 Members) 1,132 Books 25 Reviews ½ 3.5
Flesh of the God by Lauren Haney 102 copies, 4 reviews0
The Right Hand of Amon by Lauren Haney 202 copies, 6 reviews1
A Face Turned Backward by Lauren Haney 168 copies, 2 reviews2
A Vile Justice by Lauren Haney 145 copies, 3 reviews3
A Curse of Silence by Lauren Haney 149 copies, 4 reviews4
A Place of Darkness by Lauren Haney 139 copies, 3 reviews5
A Cruel Deceit by Lauren Haney 115 copies, 2 reviews6
A Path of Shadows by Lauren Haney 110 copies, 1 review7

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During the reign of female pharaoh Hatshepsut, Bak polices the border with the Kushite kingdom from the border fortress of Buhen at the second cataract of the Nile.The series is discussed in: "Linda S. Robinson and Lauren Haney: Detection in the Land of Mysteries" by Rita Rippetoe, pp. In: The Detective as Historian ed. by Ray B. Browne and Lawrence A. Kreiser, Jr. (Bowling Green, OH : Bowling Green State University, 2000), pp. 11-21. (English, Unclassified)

Other Names

Italian: Le Indagini del Luogotenente Bak - Cronologico


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